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Heidi Rodriguez

Superstar Consultant


My Story

I started my Scentsy business in August of 2017. I had been a customer for 10 years and had made the decision de relocate from Puerto Rico to Orlando in 2012. I was at a time in my life where I was living day to day figuring out how I was going to pay my bills.
I decided to make the best choice of my life and join, initially looking for the discount.

Fast forward three years!
Today my business has become so much more...

My business has given me a stronger sense of purpose. I love serving my customers and my team! I continue to still work a full-time job, and one day be able to retire and continue my business full-time . I feel confident that I am where I belong.

Before Scentsy my confidence was at an all-time low. I had no friends and lived across the ocean from my family.

Now I can say that I have friends and family within my team and extended Scentsy Family.

They have shown and shared with me so much. Thanks to the education and support provided by Scentsy, experience and my Scentsy sisters I have grown to be a better person.

Today I’m a completely different person than I was when I joined 3 years ago. I’m driven, purposeful, blessed, and joyful!

I am forever grateful that I chose to join Scentsy!

I am honored to be part of the journey of those on my team. Encouraging team mates and watching as they break down the walls of fear and self doubt are so rewarding!

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